Unexpected beauties – part 1: Willem Twee Studio’s

In 2019 I want to tell you about interesting meetings, planned or unplanned I experienced / encountered.

I call them “unexpected beauties, because they give me a lot of joy or provided me with a totally new perspective / insight.
First in line is the unexpected encounter with the Willem 2 Studio’s in Den Bosch.

Some time ago I was invited to join a “open soldering evening” in Den Bosch.

I met the organizer, Martijn Verhallen years before at the first Maker Faire Eindhoven.

The synth boxes Reverse Landfill makes are very cool and easy to solder and they make a hell of a noise!

The unexpected part of this soldering night was the location.
The outside of the building cannot prepare you for what is inside.

When entering the building it felt like a shift in time; all of a sudden you are in a 1950’s audio studio, with all these cool old fashioned boxes with Bakelite knobs and switches.

The next room is filled with 1960’s and 1970’s stuff with some unbelievable analog synth that had a huge footprint on the foundations of modern day music.

This beautiful video from Albert van Abbe is recorded at the Willem Twee Studios.

I can really recommend visiting this studio to anybody who’s interested in sound building / composing.
They offer all kind of courses like “introduction to the çlassic ‘ analog studio or a 8 lessons long course to learn to make compositions on classic analog material.

Thanks Martijn for giving me the opportunity to visit the studio’s!


Eindhoven Maker Faire 2018

In the last weekend of september, the Maker Faire exploded with creativity and beauty in the city of Eindhoven. For the 3rd time I had the privilege to be part of the EMF team to organize the Maker Faire.

Like last year it was bigger, better and louder then the before.
New this year was the outside area (Ketelplein) in front of the Klokgebouw.
The Crazy Parade and other makers enjoined the excellent weather and attracted a large audience.

Inside, the Faire span across the whole Klokgebouw with many, many thing to see, do and experience for children but also for their parents and grandparents.
On Saturday it was nice and busy, but on sunday it was fantastic and very busy. The weather was even better than the day before and the Faire was packed.

I took care of the Crazy Parade participants. The pictures below show some of the highlights.

some tweets with pictures and movies:




Official after movie from the 2018 Eindhoven Maker Faire:



link-o -rama-2

Without words….

Feast your eyes on this fully automatic Hamburger machine that uses fresh ingredients.

Ain’t she pretty!


DARPA demonstrates 6 new technologies.

As always with DARPA; cool and scary at the same time….

100 degrees celsius!

This Frisdenker keeps his eyes open for interesting tech from all over the world, so also Germany is on his radar.

After sending my phone on an ‘ending-at-the-ground-flight’ when I stopped but my phone not, I’ve though about this case when I shelled out the 100 euro to repair my phone.,.. And this school kid, from Aalen is fixing it.

Peloton; wind drag experiment

In the special wind tunnel from the TU/e in Eindhoven a whole Peloton of cyclists was tested. CRAY computers had to crunch for 54 hours to do the calculation with a total of 49 Terabytes of working memory; a world record for a Sports application 🙂



Dutch Technology Week Eindhoven

A Busy, busy week in Eindhoven during the annual DTW.

Not only the Night of the Nerds and the Quiz Night XL, but also the HTOR was on the program. And on sunday the 11th it was time for the Expat Faire for Internationals.

Studio040 made a movie (in dutch):

I also competed again during the Quiz Night XL with 3 VDL ETG teams.
We came out 14th, 117th and 118th; not bad 🙂

the TUe cursor made a nice movie about the Quiz Night XL


Claudia Angenent published some behind the scene pictures of Quiz Night XL.

Quiz Night XL - Science & Technology 2018

Quiz Night XL - Science & Technology 2018

Quiz Night XL - Science & Technology 2018


Also a nice overview of the HTOR via twitter.









A visit to Maker Faire Berlin 2018

In the weekend of 26/27 may, Maker Faire Berlin was organized at FEZ Berlin.

As you all know, I’m a big fan of the whole Maker movement and the Maker Faires.

So in preparation to Eindhoven Maker Faire 2018, I visited #MFB18 this year.

It was a great experience, even when it was a lot of traveling only for 1 day of Maker faire activities. The Eindhoven maker faire organisation also got a spot, right in front of the entrance. Our soap bubble machine worked wonders on the enthusiastic kids (and adults).
the picture below give a nice overview of the event.
I have to say I was positively surprise by the size, number of participants and most of all the venue itself. Of course the Klokgebouw is also fantastic, but the available space at FEZ Berlin is much bigger and there is more nature to interact with.

Foto’s courtesy of: @glpare, Mjanssen and myself.

see also this and this post for previous Maker Faire’s in Eindhoven.


Second day of Eindhoven Maker Faire

Also the second day was an absolute blast!
It was a truly fantastic weekend.

Getting interviewed by Studio-040

He looks so lost in the big city….

The incredible “By-your-command” robot from Freerk Wieringa

Again big crowds on the second day. Thanks everybody!

The beautiful machines of Ivo Schoofs

The craziest place to be at the faire this year: Power tool racing!

A lot of media attention @Eindhovenmakerfaire

The crazy car parade was cool.
Hopefully next year with more Mad Max style trucks!

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR AT THE Eindhoven Make Faire

Bonus: video from Studio-040


First day of Eindhoven Maker Faire 2017

The first day of Eindhoven Maker Faire was awesome!!
Here a small impression. More can be found on Maker Faire Facebook page

Robots are here

Behind the scenes with N-size train tracks

Build a rocket boys, build a rocket boys

The Show Boat / ferry!

Starting a pulse Jet engine

Mad Max truck in flaming up!

3 on the bench with Maxi Jazz watching over you at Strijp S Graffiti wall.

Great crowds at Eindhoven Maker Faire Today!


Tomorrow is the second day of Maker Faire, so hope to see you!!
(tickets online are cheaper!)
