Again robot (sport) supremacist!

I already know that soccer robots will rule the world in 10 / 15 years time, but apparently robots are already dominating the table Football world; awesome stuff man.

Now that we are on the subject, any other robotic sports?
YES, they also go head to head in Ping Pong

Or running along with Usain Bolt (but robots found out long ago that wheels are much better then complicated legs!)

And the recent (first) hole in one by a golf robot

In the past there was the talented gymnastic robot
Or the kind a like equestrian robot horses/dogs from Boston Dynamics
And not to forget the cool CGI? boxing robot 😉


latte 8; you know the drill, click away!

1) Beautiful animation festival winner:

2) close up of animal eyes. The Llama is beautiful
animal-eye-macro-suren-manvelyan-2For more images, click the slideshow

3) Last month the famous Glastonbury festival was held in the UK.
Glastonbury data usage per person: +/- 1.2 Mb/h
In other words: 175.000 visitors, 5 days long 1.2 Mb/h = 25 Tb of total data traffic!
They also had WiFi cows;
Funny thing is that temporary network hardware is called: C.O.W. or Cell on Wheels 🙂


more info after the link

Sisyphus pushing in lego

7) last month at Airport Eindhoven.


link latte nr. 7 the links continue…

1) I came across a very cool offshore solution that I want to share. The company, Ampelmann (of course NOT a German company, but a Dutch one 🙂 ) has a killer logo and specializes in offshore access solutions. In other words, how to get safely and easily from 1 ship to a windturbine or another ship at open sea. The video’s (here and here) are simply amazing and one can easily imagine how comfortable it is to use their technology.

2) Talking about spring/damping systems, here’s a cool animated GIF of a competition race car from the Baja 1000
I really love the way it just drops and doesn’t jump up again; nice and smooth.

Other “experiments” with suspensions can be found here and here.

3) On imgur you can find these “12 oddly satisfying Gifs for your pleasure“. The last one is my favorite.

4) I like it when somewhat complicated maters are explained swiftly and clearly; the rolling shutter camera effect.
f2zrdW1More explanation can be found here.

5) very cool video from AMZ Formula student team from Switserland. They broke the world record 0 – 100 km/h in 1.513 seconds!!


link latte nr. 6

1) If the world were 100 people;
fascinating statistics.

2) the cookie jar I want!!

3)Privacy on, privacy off; that’s a window

(Thumbs up for the effective simplicity of the animated GIF 🙂 )
4) Transporting a massive wind turbine blade

picture of the transportation of the mold for the blade 🙂

5) incredible marble magnet extravaganza track

6) The lowest possible house moving tech there is 🙂 But very cool to see

7) The incredible and unworldly pictures of the Urban Jungle by Andy Yeung

8) What happens when you divide by zero on a Facit ESA-01 electro mechanical calculator from 1954.


Link latte nr 3.

here the newest link latte.

1) All arcades, all the way, with these Japanese extravagant arcade machine.
arcade orbs

2) DARPA is at it again.
Fully autonomous flying drones; build from consumer quad copters (loaded with sensory of course 🙂 )

(link to article)

3) Golf robot hits a hole in one (what did you expect…it’s a robot!)

4) Another BB-8 fan has a go at building a little friend.

(link to video)

5) Maybe a new trend on frisdenk; OnlyInAmerica

(link to article)

6) “El Paquete” or how to get Netflix, Hulu, HBO, in Cuba. the beauty of internet

(link to article)

7) Wind turbine on fire….WTF?
wind turbine
(and how to remove a burned wind turbine.)

8) Behind the magic and other VFX youtubes; a technological marvel
Star Wars The Force Awakens
Jurassic World
