A visit to Maker Faire Berlin 2018

In the weekend of 26/27 may, Maker Faire Berlin was organized at FEZ Berlin.

As you all know, I’m a big fan of the whole Maker movement and the Maker Faires.

So in preparation to Eindhoven Maker Faire 2018, I visited #MFB18 this year.

It was a great experience, even when it was a lot of traveling only for 1 day of Maker faire activities. The Eindhoven maker faire organisation also got a spot, right in front of the entrance. Our soap bubble machine worked wonders on the enthusiastic kids (and adults).
the picture below give a nice overview of the event.
I have to say I was positively surprise by the size, number of participants and most of all the venue itself. Of course the Klokgebouw is also fantastic, but the available space at FEZ Berlin is much bigger and there is more nature to interact with.

Foto’s courtesy of: @glpare, Mjanssen and myself.

see also this and this post for previous Maker Faire’s in Eindhoven.


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